Linda & Ryan Lowe | RE/MAX Centre Realty | 814-231-8200 Ex. 305/352

7 Keys to Staying Focused

  1. Find the best time to do repetitive and boring tasks. No matter how much you try to avoid it you’re going to have to face doing things which are either repetitive or boring. For these tasks it is best to choose a time in the day to work on them. For some people it’s best to work on things which require brain power in the morning. Working on tedious tasks that can be done via auto-pilot are better left towards the end of the day when you’re usually tired.
  2. Enlist family and friends for help.  Communicate your goals with family and friends. You’ll find they’ll be helpful with gentle reminders whenever they see your behavior is inconsistent with your goals and they may give you incentives to work at your goals and succeed.
  3. Do nothing for 10 minutes each day.  Take a moment to watch the world go by! That’s when solutions to problems become blindingly obvious. That’s when you get new ideas. It’s called inspiration - and it arrives when your mind is still. When you’re at rest your mind is fully focused on what’s important.
  4. Use an egg timer.  Some people use egg timers or the Stopwatch app on their smart phone… Focus on ONE THING until the 30 minutes is up. It may seem odd but it works for a lot of people.  
  5. The night before.  Write down your to-do list right before bed. Writing it down clears your head, allows you to sleep better and when you wake up in the morning the list is ready for you which motivates you to get started right away.
  6. Feel the emotion of your WANTS!  Before beginning your daily tasks read your list of WANTS in life. After this morning exercise you will be ready to attack your list of to-do’s.
  7. Clarity of purpose.  Knowing what you’re trying to accomplish; staying focused on the objective and having accountability to that!  It’s fun to drift until you realized it’s happened and sometimes it’s too late… You can avoid this by being held accountable.